Hi, everyone! We're happy to announce that now Coverday has Website, Blogger, Myspace and Playlist.com layouts. We sincerely hope you will enjoy them. If you would like to send us your templates, images or works, use our Contact Form.

Some of you might have noticed the Extra Sets of Images added to Coverday's new layouts. They were made to add to the variety and give more freedom to our users. What that means is that now you can take images you want to go and replace them with the ones that suit your taste better. It's fairly simple and here I will show you what you need to do to replace any existing image you have in your layout.

The "What"

If you're going to replace an image, you need to locate its URL in your Template's code and replace it with your own URL.

The "How"

Open your Blog in Firefox and go to:

Tools - Page info - Media

In the list of image files used for the design, locate the one you want to replace and remember the final part of its URL.

E.G. Img URL: http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq229/Blogs/Designs/apswt-15.png

Go to:

Blogger Dahsboard - Layout - Edit HTML

Use Firefox page search to find original image name (apswt-15.png).

Once you found it, you will see the entire URL. All that's left to do is replace it with your image URL. If you already have the link, just copy and paste it in place of the original URL. If not, upload it to some server like Photobucket and copy paste it into your Template code.

Preview and Save the changes. That's it.


Coverday Kitchen

Curious about what we have in store for you? Then you have to visit Coverday Kitchen! See our works in progress LIVE, changing and shifting into ready layouts. Sounds exciting?
Then see what's cooking.


What's going on behind the curtain? Read about it in our brand new Blog.

Download our layout images!

Great news for all Coverday's Blogger layouts users! Now you can host blog images on your own photo account.

Bye-bye Luxury Designz

We have moved to another server.